Schweizer Waffen November 2005 SB Article - Eng

Roger Remund  - A Swiss in exile

After SWM-author Martin Schober presented in the last issue a few creations of the Swiss knife maker Roger Remund, he reports on the circumstances that have led Remund to relocate his knife production abroad.

Roger Remund’s company logo is the Swiss cross, with the subsequent letters BIANCO. Here, however, the first "but". Following the motto: "I am not confederates and Swiss, the Swiss may be every day, " Roger Remund openly expressed his displeasure to the bureaucrats indoctrinated Swiss-weapons legislation from 1999. This legislation and the conduct of the competent authority was literally unforgivable and a disgrace to the whole of Switzerland. For this reason, he was forced to make certain types of knives such as flick knives, daggers and knives (WarNail, Swiss Dagger, SmallDagger, ArmyAuto-Knife, Armagedon and peccary, etc.) while abroad. This generated no jobs and no money in Switzerland. Roger Remund  is originally from the village Worb in the Canton of Berne. He grew up in a rural environment and was interested very early in weapons and tools of all kinds.  He said this as a good equipment in the leisure and later also in the working life easier, but it was very difficult here in Switzerland, "something right" at reasonable rates to be found, meaning that this product even with an average wage payments. Fortunately, there was the kinship in Austria and Germany, where he was in his Youth with his family and often hinreiste where he saw what it was and everything here Here in Switzerland inexplicably usually not, although at that time in Germany a stricter law was seen as weapons in Switzerland ...

10 years +Bianco - and how it came about
After his school, Roger Remund learned to be a blacksmith in a three-year apprenticeship program. In this way he gained his familiarity of metal and forging because of his profession. Through numerous stays in the U.S., Roger visited various knife makers in the U.S.  Through the Knives Guild as well as during his own self-training, he later obtained the necessary tools for knife makers. During military service, during recruit school, and some of WK's, when the materials issued never really stood up to what it was supposed to do, Roger Remund was happy that he never had to use them in a war because the famed Swiss neutrality. In addition, the supervisor looked surprised by one of his then new Leatherman Tool if he used it for various work. For those reasons Remund never really could be friends with the Army.

Privately he collected all kinds of weapons - knives that were always too short, and no  firearms. This led someone to notify the then Federal Attorney Carla del Ponte about it and his weapons collection was confiscated by means of “criminal methods” as Remund describes it (Ms del Ponte was very well known during her time as a federal lawyer for her unbalanced "quick shots" against the arms trade. The bulk of her accusations were thrown out due to lack of evidence and incorrect interpretation of the law and it cost the public thousands of Swiss francs tax). After several years of litigation, according to court records, the weapons that the police unlawfully confiscated were returned to Roger Remund. Despite passing the arms dealer examination requirements, he was not issued an arms dealer certificate, which was the final straw for Remund and he decided to travel to the USA and Mexico.

Roger Remund was aware now that “liberal Switzerland” was very bad for his arms trade plans and there was no place for his planned knife production activity there.  He thought hard about possible alternatives. He also served in the U.S. in Mexico and in much of the free Nature, so he urged for a Knives examined for the Survival activity appropriate was with you but thanks to his "Civilian" look anyway  a national border could. The blade of his first Knife he found in German Pilot knives with forged, rostträgem steel with an integrated ax on the front part of the knife blade and with a stable leather sheath. The handle made he moved to his hand size from a single piece of black POM plastic to which he had access to as scrap material from his job. Then was the good Sandblasted pieces. The people who which made this, not surprised bad, as Roger Remund this beautiful, satin (polished) Matt sandblasted pieces have wanted to make it not as a The mirror reflects light ...